Thursday 2 April 2009

Memories of Peter and Shoe-biting Swans

Yesterday I spent the morning in Hyde Park, the home of Peter Pan, Diana's Memorial Fountain and thousands upon thousands of dogs. After stopping at a small cafe by the lake, I jaunted through the park to find the oh so famous, but brilliant statue of Peter Pan. This statue was featured in the movie Hook, as well as a memory of a trip through Hyde Park 15 years ago. I sat on a bench by the Lake, looking up at Peter while I wrote part of my essay. Every once in a while I would look towards the water and look at the swans gracefully gliding by.
It is so much more interesting to look at birds in London. It seems to me that in the lakes that I frequent in the states, the birds are the same. You have your mallards, Canada geese, and other non-distinguishable gray or brown birds. Here, you have several types of geese, several variations of ducks, and very strange looking birds indeed. On a walk through the park you can see a coot, which is a black bird with an odd white patch right in the middle, and you can see birds with splotches of red on them, plus there are swans everywhere. As mean as they can get, they are beautiful creatures. I just don't go sticking my feet near their mouths.
I'm leaving London today, and I am sad to go. I could happily spend another week here, walking through Hyde Park and experiencing life in a big city. I am glad to be in London right now, durnig the G20 Summit. Yesterday I stayed very clear of the financial district where all the rallies were going on, and I may or may not have seen Obama and all of the other State Officials driving by as I sat near Westminster.
If any of you want to know more about my specific experiences and the sites that I see, just ask. I am happy to talk. Otherwise, I will say good bye now. I will be in Seville in less than 12 hours!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you remember the Peter Pan statue. That was a nice day we spent in London in '93. I can't remember what month it was. Probably winter.

    I forgot you were in London during the summit.
